Founded in 1990 by Gail and her beloved husband, the late Richard Pope, BrightHaven is a renowned animal rescue, hospice and holistic education nonprofit organization. We offer a variety of caregiver resources to help you help your animals live well each and every day! Our primary focus: senior, disabled & chronically ill animals.
BrightHaven is a pioneer and leader in the ever-expanding field of animal hospice and palliative care, and our experience with hospice-supported natural dying is distinct and well known. We are privileged to have provided hospice care for and shared the dying experience with over 600 animals who taught us so much. At BrightHaven, it is all about living well through the last breath!

BrightHaven Caregiver Academy (BCA) empowers pet parents with the knowledge, skills & support needed to care for aging & ill pets. Let BCA transform uncertainty into confidence for devoted pet parents like you!
ANIMAL WISDOM FOR LIVING WELL! In a time of so much change & chaos, with old ways of being & doing undeniably falling away, animals can show us a much better & more authentic way to live. Find out what they’d like to share in GRATEFUL for Animals: Spiritual Comfort & Wisdom in Life's Last Chapter, available on Amazon.
BrightHaven Testimonials:
“The work you do is amazing and you’re demonstrating how people should behave as caretakers for the planet and all her children. Thank you for being pioneers in the world of animal hospice, and thank you for sharing what you’ve learned so that the lives of animals are honored.” —Jamie L.
“I am always confident that you make the best decisions for the most animals possible—and sometimes in unique ways. BrightHaven is like that bright star in the sky that you know is reliable and well-meaning for all the critters.” –Sandi C.
“What you do at BrightHaven is an inspiration to me and I thank you for all you do for animals!!” –Jodie J.
We’re thrilled to share exciting news that marks a new chapter for BrightHaven, the BrightHaven Caregiver Academy! Here’s what BrightHaven President & Founder Gail Pope especially wants you to know about this amazing addition: “After years of dreaming and planning, we’ve launched BrightHaven Caregiver Academy (BCA), a resource dedicated to empowering pet parents with the … Read more
Help your animals live well through the last breath, regardless of circumstances, the BrightHaven way! From a holistic perspective, it is our belief that it’s not just the physical body that becomes ill, but the entire being. In other words, removing the physical symptoms of the illness will not, despite all efforts, restore balance if … Read more
In Part 1 we looked at BrightHaven’s heart-centered approach to animal hospice care and described the peaceful and compassionate practice that is Animal Reiki. We also shared some thoughts on death and dying and pain and suffering. Now we’ll take a closer look at the many wonderful ways Reiki can help your loved one throughout … Read more
BrightHaven’s approach to animal hospice care the BrightHaven way is all about living well through the last breath, regardless of circumstances. And that’s what Reiki is all about too! What is Animal Reiki? It’s essentially meditating with animals to share a peaceful, kindhearted space where connecting heart-to-heart promotes optimal balance of body, mind and spirit … Read more
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