Soar, My Butterfly: The Animal Dying Experience provides knowledge, comfort and helpful tips to those who are accompanying a beloved animal companion on the journey to transition. It’s all about living well through the last breath!
Purchase a copy for you and for all of the animal lovers in your life. This book is truly a gift! *
Author Gail Pope, award-winning BrightHaven founder and animal wellness and hospice care expert and educator, created this simple and straightforward guide to the signs and symptoms that you may encounter during the final stages of dying—a process that may begin several months before death finally occurs—and shares what you can do to lovingly support your animal.
* If you purchase via www.smile.amazon.com and select BrightHaven as your favorite charitable organization, Amazon will donate a percentage of the sale price to BrightHaven!
Knowledge Eases Fear
Facing the end of life and dying processes of our cherished animal companions often generates a lot of fear, anxiety and confusion. Awareness and understanding can bring great peace of mind and empower us to make the best choices possible on behalf of our animal friends.
Gail’s booklet is a great source of compassionate wisdom, supporting both your animal and you during this challenging and profound time of life.
Gail’s Inspiration for Soar, My Butterfly: The Animal Dying Experience
BrightHaven’s approach to hospice care is very much aligned with hospice care for humans where love, comfort, dignity and quality of life are of the highest importance, and the spiritual aspect of the journey is deeply honored.
Gail was great inspired by Barbara Karnes’ extremely helpful book about the human dying experience Gone rom My Sight, which is a well-known, indispensible staple in the field of human hospice. Gail wanted to share her several years of experience—and her presence at more than 600 animal deaths—in a similar easy-to-use format.
Be Part of the Action: Help BrightHaven & Gail Spread the Word!

What Barbara Karnes has done for human caregivers, Gail hopes to achieve for animal caregivers with Soar, My Butterfly: The Animal Dying Experience:
Provide readers with useful information on a very important subject in a compassionate, accessible way so we all can better understand, embrace and accept the dying process, which is an undeniable part of life—just like birth!
Here’s what you can do to help us accomplish this goal:
- Purchase a copy for you and for all of the animal lovers in your life. What a great gift!
- Share this “must-have” book with your friends and family via social media and by word of mouth
- Go to the Soar, My Butterfly: The Animal Dying Experience Amazon page and write a review
Remember: If you purchase via www.smile.amazon.com and select BrightHaven as your favorite charitable organization, Amazon will donate a percentage of the sale price to BrightHaven!