In the The BrightHaven Guide to Animal Hospice series, BrightHaven Co-Founders Gail and Richard Pope are thrilled to share what they’ve learned since 1990 by following the wisdom of the animals. It’s all about living well through the last breath!
We’ve partnered with to make this material available in an online, self-paced format.
BrightHaven is unique because of the way we work and the results we get. In this series, Gail and Richard lead you through our Menu for Healing for the best quality of life and optimal balance at every life stage, and through the most peaceful and loving dying process.
Gail and Richard tell you more about the series in this video:
Find out more & sign up for a class!
Check out these additional facts about Gail and Richard
Introducing the First Module, The Gentle Shift
In this class, Gail and Richard paint for you a simple picture of their healing philosophy by demonstrating how they progressively learned about holistic healthcare, embraced new concepts and witnessed healing miracles. For instance, they explain what happened when, with great trepidation, they completely changed their trusted commercial diet to one based on raw meat.
Gail and Richard also share how a beautiful black cat profoundly shifted their thinking about natural death.
Not only will you see one-of-a-kind photos, you learn how to care for your animal from the holistic philosophy as practiced at BrightHaven. This information will also help you to define your own approach to animal wellness and hospice care.
Find out more & sign up for this class!
What you can expect to learn from The Gentle Shift (Course Objectives):
- Understand BrightHaven’s Menu for Healing and why it is so important to an animal’s wellbeing
- Follow the evolution of the Menu for Healing
- Find out the difference between healing and cure
- Discover BrightHaven’s path to natural death
- Learn about the healing power of love and why it appears in the Menu for Healing twice
- …and much more!
To enhance your learning experience, we’ve included a quiz at the end the module. You’ll receive a Certificate of Completion once you’ve successfully finished the course.
Next Release: The Animal Dying Experience
Two-part class coming soon!
Gail and Richard have been present at more than 600 animal deaths and share their firsthand knowledge of the animal dying experience. They also offer some practical things that can be done by the caregiver for hospice support, which is focused on the animal’s comfort and wellbeing.
An essential key to living fully is to accept death as a natural part of life. Knowledge and understanding greatly reduce fear and enable you to be present with love and support to help your animals at the end of their lives.

“Thank you for modeling the way in terms of holistic animal care. I know my life has been transformed because of my time at BrightHaven.”
—Diane H.
“I appreciate your work so much, and I am so grateful that there are such resources after all. God bless you for this work… I know you already know how many of us need this kind of assistance in making the ending days of our beloved companions as rich as they can be.”
—Michael B.
“What you have done for my life, and for the lives of my family, and what you continue to do……… bring peace where there is agony, and wisdom to confusion.”
—Jay B.
“As I left I realised how apt the name BrightHaven is for this special, one of a kind animal sanctuary. It is a haven for these animals no doubt, but the love, care, hope and dedication shines a light so bright that it could not help but move my heart and affect me in a profound way. As I continue to learn more about BrightHaven, its forward vision and the stories of the animal residents I feel truly blessed I was able to visit such an inspiring, thought provoking institution.”
—Carolyn T.
Additional Facts About the Instructors:
- Gail and Richard never give medical advice or make prognoses but refer clients to professional practicing veterinarians.
- Gail has an international consultation practice and is contacted by many vets and animal caregivers regarding BrightHaven’s natural methods and protocols for animal care and hospice.
- Gail has written five books that are available on
- Gail was a founding board member of the International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC) organization. IAAHPC was the first animal hospice organization to form and includes members from all walks of life including the veterinary community and general public.
- Gail and Richard give many presentations that deal with the art of dying, animal hospice care, restorative living and natural, hospice-supported death. They understand most alternative treatment modalities and have a resource of practitioner referrals.