The past beats inside me like a second heart.—John Banville
BrightHaven President and Founder Gail Pope shares warmhearted tribute to Sasha:

Sasha arrived at BrightHaven in 2010 when she was approximately two years old. While trying to protect her kittens, Sasha had suffered a severe dog bite which broke her spine, leaving her paraplegic – unable to stand and walk, let alone urinate or defecate on her own. Her one remaining kitten had been adopted and, somewhat angry and with a distinct air of defeat upon arrival, Sasha very gradually settled into her new home and life, showing us her sunny as well as sometimes her fearful side as she reached out to snap if a threat was perceived.

Somewhere along the way her delightful mixture of sweetness and timidity stole into my heart and tossed away the key. Over the years my Sashie experienced many high fevers related to bladder issues well known to those who scoot on their bottoms. She also became very well used to my helping her with her toiletry needs and in recent years would come to me for assistance when severe neurological tremors radiating through her lower body would alert her of the need to pass stool.

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation. —Rumi

My gratitude for the loving, generous and always-at-the-ready help of the homeopathic veterinarians who helped life be better and beautiful is immense – first to Michele Yasson until 2019, and since then to dear friend Jeff Levy who so kindly devoted the last few days of Sasha’s life to helping her experience a peaceful, loving and natural transition in my arms.

As our seasons move through fall to winter, I am reminded of this beautiful poem:
How beautifully leaves grow old.How full of light and color are their last days.—John Burroughs