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Animal Reiki: A Vital Part of BrightHaven’s Animal Hospice Care – Part 1 of 2

BrightHaven’s approach to animal hospice care the BrightHaven way is all about living well through the last breath, regardless of circumstances. And that’s what Reiki is all about too!

What is Animal Reiki? It’s essentially meditating with animals to share a peaceful, kindhearted space where connecting heart-to-heart promotes optimal balance of body, mind and spirit for all concerned. Reiki practices help us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and surrender while we learn to be present for and listen to others with empathy and equanimity.

BrightHaven and Animal Reiki are closely intertwined. Our journey together began in 2005. BrightHaven had become so inspired by how natural medicine helped animals that we decided we would offer seminars at the sanctuary to spread the word about natural healing. Then Kathleen Prasad of Animal Reiki Source appeared, as if by magic, to request a meeting to discuss holding her monthly workshops at BrightHaven.

Kathleen’s Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki quickly became part of everyday life for us and is a key ingredient in the BrightHaven Menu for Healing, which is the foundation of our work.

And we’ve learned that offering one’s self as a conduit through which energy can flow for the good of another is perhaps the single most powerful gift that one can give – and receive!

What Animal Hospice Care Is & Isn’t at BrightHaven

Hospice is NOT about death but about living as well as possible during a very special time of life.

Beauregard cuddling Joey-small
Beauregard cuddling JOey

Unfortunately, the word hospice has become synonymous with death over the years, which understandably stirs up very human fears surrounding death and dying.

The automatic assumption seems to be that if someone enters hospice, they’ll definitely die in 6 months or less. We’ve found that’s not necessarily true. And our animals have shown us a different way!

Animal hospice is about care and caring – not death. It’s all about love and life. It’s indeed a time for practicality. Also, it’s the perfect time for joy, gratitude, compassion and living well through the last breath.

And at BrightHaven, that means finding balance of body, mind and spirit for the animal and their loved ones plus healing for the highest good. Animal Reiki is a tremendous help in this area!

We’ve found that holistic medicine, in particular Reiki and homeopathy, is  an excellent way of addressing illness, geriatric care and end-of-life symptoms, thus allowing for a peaceful approach to the very natural process of dying – or sometimes for a new lease on life.

A Few Thoughts on Death & Dying

Death & dying – nothing to fear!

Since death and dying will likely be part of any conversation about planning the way forward for a beloved animal, here is a short list of some of what we’ve learned

As you can see, they are all very simple and yet when one thinks deeply and accepts each as true, then very often the heavy burden of human fear is reduced.

  • Knowledge and understanding can help ease the fear of death and help in caring for a terminally ill or aged loved one. They also increase confidence and awareness, and conscious decision-making may minimize future regrets.
  • Dying and death are each an organized series of events, an orderly progression much like birth, and perfectly designed by Mother Nature.
  • Our experience has been that most animals appear to show no fear of death.
  • An important fact is that death is normal and natural and comes to us all. It is NOT a failed medical event.
  • Also, we know from the human experience that dying itself is NOT painful, it is dis-ease that may be painful.
  • We truly believe that embracing death as a natural part of life enhances full living.
  • And remember one of the central Animal Reiki teachings: No matter what, all is well…

Pain & Suffering

Pain control is always a top priority in whatever care plan is decided.

Whose suffering is it – yours or theirs?

Let’s touch briefly on pain and suffering, as they are almost always uppermost in our minds.

Perhaps the most important consideration in maintaining quality of life near the end of life is the monitoring, treatment and control of pain, and it should promptly be addressed – IF present – as we know from the world of human hospice that dying itself is not painful.

Please contact your veterinarian for assistance with pain management.

Lucy (left) comforting Charlie-Girl

Regarding suffering, we’ve learned that suffering is your emotional experience, and that it may or may not be connected to physical pain. Very often, suffering is tied to negative thinking such as, “This shouldn’t be happening!” or “This is horrible!” In other words, suffering may prove to be in the eye of the beholder and based in deep-rooted fear, including fear of death.

The gentle yet powerful nature of Reiki can be very soothing and relaxing during times of distress and anxiety. Meditation encourages a return to the present moment, which may help ease pain and suffering and undesirable thoughts.

You may also wish to learn about other important considerations for quality of life, including will to live and quality for living and dying.

In Part 2, we’ll explore how Reiki can be a tremendous help during specific aspects of the hospice journey.

“It is when our hearts are open that healing can truly begin.”

—Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source

BrightHaven Caregiver Resources to Help Your Animal Live Well Each and Every Day!


How might the spiritual comfort and wisdom shared by animals inspire you to live and connect more deeply with yourself and others from your heart and soul, where love remains the prevailing principle? Find out more in GRATEFUL for Animals: Spiritual Comfort & Wisdom in Life’s Last Chapter, available on Amazon. (Authors: Gail Pope, BrightHaven President and Founder; Carol Howe Hulse, BrightHaven Education Program Manager)

Gail & Joey
(Photo by in joy photography)


BrightHaven Holistic Animal Hospice: Navigating a Terminal Diagnosis – in this self-paced module, we help you to determine the best path for you and your animal.

Carol Howe Hulse – Education Program Specialist
Carol & Silver
(Photo by Beth Shields)
For more resources and information to help you help your furry family member, please visit BrightHaven’s Caregiver Resources & Education and Animal Caregiver FAQ.

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Copyright: This document is © copyrighted and is the property of BrightHaven Inc. and it must not be reproduced or presented for commercial purposes without prior express written consent from BrightHaven.