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How Can You Join Other Animal Lovers & Give Better Animal Hospice Care?

We’re very excited to tell you about BrightHaven’s latest partnership! It’s with the Animal Hospice Group, also known as AHG. And BrightHaven’s President and Founder Gail Pope is one of the AHG founders! To help you get better acquainted with AHG, we’ve answered a few key questions you might have: What is AHG’s goal? When … Read more

2 Ways Helpful BrightHaven Caregiver Resources Are Better Than Ever!

BrightHaven’s goal is to help you help your animals live well each and every day! Founded in 1990 by Gail and Richard Pope, BrightHaven is a renowned animal rescue, hospice education and holistic education nonprofit organization. Our primary focus: senior, disabled and chronically ill animals, a vulnerable population that has an overwhelming need to find … Read more

What unfailingly helps you to live well & fully each day?

The answer: LOVE!!! And as always, February has been the perfect month to celebrate love, with St. Valentine’s Day occurring on the 14th. At BrightHaven we celebrate and honor love in everything we do, every day of the year – its healing power is tremendous! For example, our Menu for Healing, which forms the foundation … Read more

How Do I Navigate a Terminal Diagnosis for My Loved One?

As all of us animal lovers know, being told by the vet that our beloved’s illness is terminal is one of the most difficult things to hear. What do I do now? How can I best support my animal friend? What is the best way forward for our family? These are just a few of … Read more

Can Suffering Really Be a Matter of Choice?

When we have an elderly or ill furry family member, or our beloved animal has received a terminal diagnosis, pain, suffering, will to live and quality of life for living and dying become important considerations. A Helpful Definition of Suffering Pain and suffering are often lumped together, as if they’re synonymous. However, that may not … Read more

A Beautiful Tribute to Rico, One Amazing Cat

We are honored to share the loving tribute to Rico written by longtime BrightHaven friend and supporter, Dr. Kathryn Marocchino of The Nikki Hospice Foundation for Pets. Along with BrightHaven’s Gail Pope and Dr. Ella Bittel of Spirits in Transition, Kathryn co-created the Quality of Dying Checklist, which assesses quality of life as the hospice journey progresses … Read more

The End of a BrightHaven Era: Fray

BrightHaven President and Founder Gail Pope shares her heartfelt tribute to Fray:   “Somewhere around the beginning of 2003 we welcomed a new volunteer to the BrightHaven fold, Fray Huffman. After 17 years of devoted and unwavering service to the animals to whom she dedicated her life, I find it still hard to believe that … Read more

What Animals Want Us to Know About Living a Full Life

One of the many things that this shared COVID19 experience has brought front and center is the omnipresent impermanence of everything, including life itself.  That’s why setting the intention to live fully each and every day is so important, and animals can definitely show us how! The importance of Joy & Play I’ve been reading … Read more

On the Subject of Animal Hospice & Natural Death

In March 2017, Adam Clark, LCSW, AASW, interviewed BrightHaven President and Founder Gail Pope for a Psychology Today article about animal hospice and natural death. This information remains very relevant to those who are seeking an alternative to euthanasia for their beloved animal family member. As you can see from our animal hospice guiding statement, … Read more