Help Your Loved One Live the Best Life Possible Each & Every Day with These Online Courses!
***Courses open to all animal lovers***
BrightHaven is a pioneer and leader in the emerging field of animal hospice and palliative care AND we’re also renowned for our holistic healthcare. We are privileged to have provided hospice care for and shared the dying experience with over 600 animals who taught us so much. At BrightHaven, it is all about living well through the last breath!
- BrightHaven Holistic Animal Hospice: Navigating a Terminal Diagnosis – Find your way with peace, confidence & clarity
- BrightHaven Holistic Animal Hospice: Fundamentals – Learn the basics of our approach
- BrightHaven Guide to Animal Hospice: The Gentle Shift – Move from a conventional to a holistic mindset
- BrightHaven Guide to Animal Hospice: The Animal Dying Experience – Understand what to expect & how you can help
BrightHaven Holistic Animal Hospice: Navigating a Terminal Diagnosis
***Open to all animal lovers***

One of the most difficult things for any animal lover and pet parent to hear is being told by the vet that your animal’s illness is terminal. What do I do now? How can I best support my animal friend? What is the best way forward for our family? These are just a few of the many challenging questions that a terminal diagnosis raises.
We wish to hold your hand and help you to navigate this path with a deeper sense of peace, confidence and clarity.
This course will help you help your animals by:
- Understanding the wake-up call
- Looking at the importance of self-care for the caregiver in this journey
- Providing you with tools to navigate the visit to the vet’s office and the aftermath of a terminal diagnosis, which can also be applied to any serious illness diagnosis
- Exploring topics that are important for you to consider as you find and plan your way forward, including pain and suffering, quality of life, will to live and quality for dying
- Sharing additional useful information that will help you and your family make and implement the best decisions for your beloved animal and unique situation
- Walking through the various types of grief
- Finishing off the presentation with a summary of key concepts and helpful resources
To enhance your learning experience, we’ve included a quiz at the end.
After you take the course:
- You will appreciate the importance of self-care for you, the caregiver, and how it helps your animal.
- You will learn ways to promote your animal’s healing – defined as an optimal balance of body, mind and spirit – regardless of the circumstances.
- You will have a deeper awareness of the grieving process.
- You will better understand what death is and what it is not. You may even come away with a deeper acceptance of death, which may help you to live more fully!
- You will be empowered to make and implement informed, conscious decisions regarding your animal’s health and wellbeing, and plan a way forward that fits your unique situation following a terminal diagnosis. When choices are made with awareness, the possibility for future regret is greatly reduced!
For more details, please visit
We have two different ways you can add this unique and useful information to your animal care library:
- Purchase the course and have unlimited access:
- Join the Holistic Actions! Pet Health Academy – you’ll have access to our course during your paid monthly membership:
We’ve partnered with Holistic Actions! to make this course available in an online, self-paced format. As you may already know, Holistic Actions! was founded by Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau, who are licensed veterinarians, certified veterinary homeopaths and longstanding BrightHaven volunteer vets. Gail Pope is also a member of their faculty.
Praise for BrightHaven’s Work
“I want to acknowledge the incredible work, dedication and love you, Richard and all involved, have given through your years of endless care to help animals heal and find a meaningful life. There is nothing greater in my mind and heart than to provide a legacy of healing. Thanks for making the world a kinder and better place.” –Jethren P.
“I am unable by gesture or through the limits of the written word, to communicate what you and the BrightHaven philosophy mean to me. I thank you for the introduction to living without fear. Praise God.” –Jay B.
BrightHaven Holistic Animal Hospice: Fundamentals
***Open to all animal lovers***

We understand that many pet parents and other animal lovers want to learn more about animal hospice in general – and holistic animal hospice care in particular – to help their loved ones live the best life possible each and every day!
This course will help you help your animals by:
- Exploring animal hospice in general, and its relation to human hospice.
- Looking at misconceptions about pain and dying.
- Delving into holistic animal hospice care at BrightHaven, including the BrightHaven Menu for Healing that’s designed to achieve an optimal state of balance at every life stage.
- Learning how to care for the caregiver and why it’s important.
- Showing you practicalities of holistic animal hospice care that you can apply right away.
To enhance your learning experience, we’ve included a quiz at the end.
After you take the course:
- You will be empowered to make informed decisions regarding your animal’s health and wellbeing.
- You will learn ways to promote your animal’s healing – defined as an optimal balance of body, mind and spirit.
- You will be equipped with practical ways to provide holistic animal hospice care.
- You will better understand what death is and what it is not.
- You may even have deeper acceptance of death, which may help you to live more fully!
For more details, please visit
We have two different ways you can add this unique and useful information to your animal care library:
- Purchase the course and have unlimited access:
- Join the Holistic Actions! Pet Health Academy – you’ll have access to our course during your paid monthly membership:
We’ve partnered with Holistic Actions! to make this course available in an online, self-paced format. As you may already know, Holistic Actions! was founded by Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau, who are licensed veterinarians, certified veterinary homeopaths and longstanding BrightHaven volunteer vets. Gail Pope is also a member of their faculty.
Praise for BrightHaven’s Work
“The work you do is amazing and you’re demonstrating how people should behave as caretakers for the planet and all her children. Thank you for being pioneers in the world of animal hospice, and thank you for sharing what you’ve learned so that the lives of animals are honored.”
—Jamie L.
“I appreciate your work so much, and I am so grateful that there are such resources after all. God bless you for this work… I know you already know how many of us need this kind of assistance in making the ending days of our beloved companions as rich as they can be.”
—Michael B.
The BrightHaven Guide to Animal Hospice: The Gentle Shift – From Conventional to Holistic Mindset
In The Gentle Shift, Gail and Richard paint for you a simple picture of their healing philosophy by demonstrating how they progressively learned about holistic healthcare, embraced new concepts and witnessed healing miracles. For instance, they explain what happened when, with great trepidation, they completely changed their trusted commercial diet to one based on raw meat.
Gail and Richard also share how a beautiful black cat profoundly shifted their thinking about natural death.
Not only will you see one-of-a-kind photos, you learn how to care for your animal from the holistic philosophy as practiced at BrightHaven. This information will also help you to define your own approach to animal wellness and hospice care.
We’ve partnered with to make this material available in an online, self-paced format.
Find out more & sign up for this class!
***Open to all animal lovers***
Praise for this class:
“I’m so enjoying this first new e-course, especially designed by Gail Pope of BrightHaven.
Gail has spent a lifetime nurturing all animals especially seniors (16 years plus), caring for & nourishing them on all levels during their golden years and through to the end of their lives.
Working with Gail last year was inspirational & helped to change my mindset & my perceptions of living & dying.
Gail’s mission is for the healing of body, mind & spirit &, as she says in her book “The BrightHaven Guide to Animal Hospice”, ‘…..for some animals, healing will bring about a new balance for the physical & emotional, leading to renewed, healthier, & longer life. For others, healing as we understand it is still necessary as preparation for death & the journey beyond’.”
–Jan K.
What you can expect to learn from The Gentle Shift – From Conventional to Holistic Mindset:
- Understand BrightHaven’s Menu for Healing and why it is so important to an animal’s wellbeing
- Follow the evolution of the Menu for Healing
- Find out the difference between healing and cure
- Discover BrightHaven’s path to natural death
- Learn about the healing power of love and why it appears in the Menu for Healing twice
- …and much more!
To enhance your learning experience, we’ve included a quiz at the end the module. You’ll receive a Certificate of Completion once you’ve successfully finished the course.
The BrightHaven Guide to Animal Hospice: The Animal Dying Experience
BrightHaven’s Gail and Richard Pope have been present at more than 600 animal deaths and share their firsthand knowledge in The Animal Dying Experience.
In this two-part course, Gail and Richard will take you through the final stages of the animal dying experience and how this very special time of life is approached and honored at BrightHaven. They also offer some practical things that can be done by the caregiver for hospice support, which is focused on the animal’s comfort and wellbeing.
You will discover that the dying process and death are nothing to fear, which is one more important life lesson from the animals.
We’ve partnered with to make this material available in an online, self-paced format.
Find out more & sign up for this class!
***Open to all animal lovers***
Praise for this class:
“Thank you, Gail, from the bottom of my heart. So helpful and such a kind gift. I deeply appreciate your work and don’t know if I mentioned, but I watched your hospice class during Scamper’s dying process and it gave me such peace and comfort. Thank you again for all you do.” –Jen Y.
What you can expect to learn from The Animal Dying Experience:
- Understand BrightHaven’s animal hospice and end-of-life philosophy, including a little on the subject of quality of life.
- Receive an outline of the 1-3 month period before death.
- Discover the importance of grieving with loved ones before death, a lesson from the animals.
- See a breakdown of events from two weeks to just days and minutes leading to death.
- Learn helpful suggestions for the person companioning the animal.
- Learn BrightHaven’s philosophy on natural death and euthanasia.
- Discover why the Vigil, the time right before death, is for being, not doing.
- Learn the four types of death experienced at BrightHaven.
- Understand how BrightHaven’s beloved animals are honored after death
- Receive more insights about grief.
This module also introduces the Quality of Dying Checklist, a tool designed to help those who have chosen the natural path to death for their animal, to assess the animal’s wellbeing at any time within the dying process.
To enhance your learning experience, we’ve included a quiz at the end of each module. You’ll receive a Certificate of Completion once you’ve successfully finished the course.
RACE Credits for The Animal Dying Experience
We are proud to announce that The Animal Dying experience module was approved by the RACE (Registry of Approved Continuing Education) Board!
Why is this approval so important? Now, veterinarians and veterinary technicians who complete this module will earn 2 CEUs (continuing education units).
The RACE board is notoriously tough on applicants and many vets and teaching facilities have had their applications dismissed.
This approval and endorsement for our work really is huge and means we can now attract the veterinary community to our education program.