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A Way to Meet with Gail Pope: Zoom Video Call

Gail Pope
Gail Pope with Mr. Woody

BrightHaven President and Founder Gail Pope has over 30 years of animal care experience, with an emphasis on senior, special needs and chronically ill animals. Her specialties include animal hospice, natural dying and holistic healthcare.

Gail’s compassionate, understanding approach may be just the thing to help you find your way forward and help your animal live well through the last breath!

PLEASE NOTE: We at BrightHaven are not veterinarians and are therefore not qualified to give you professional veterinary advice. We have, however, been helping our animals holistically for many years, aided by numerous talented professional practitioners.

Also, we have been through the dying experience with more than 600 animals and are proud to share what we’ve learned from our experiences along the way.

Always consult your family veterinarian in matters concerning the health of your animals. Any sign of pain in your animal should be immediately addressed with your veterinarian.

Typical Consultation Topics

Here are some of the topics that animal caregivers often wish to discuss with Gail:

  • Receiving/navigating a terminal diagnosis
  • Evaluating end-of-life options (including animal hospice)
  • Addressing quality of life for living and dying
  • Understanding the dying process
  • Honoring your loved one after death (including the 3-day process)
  • Optimizing the health and wellbeing of senior animals
  • Exploring holistic care for better health and balance at every age
  • Sharing BrightHaven’s approach to grief

Book a Consultation with BrightHaven Caregiver Academy

It’s easy to schedule a consultation to receive personalized guidance and support. Follow these simple steps to book your session:

Step 1: Request Your Consultation
Visit our Personalized Consultation page ( on the BrightHaven Caregiver Academy website to select your preferred time and consultation type.

Step 2: Complete Your Booking
Once you’ve selected your consultation time, simply fill out the necessary details, including your pet’s name, recent tests or medical history, and any other relevant information.

Step 3: Make Payment
To confirm your consultation, please complete payment via our secure online payment options. Payment prior to the session is appreciated. For more details on fees and payment options, please see below.

Consultation Fees

  • One-Time Consultation:
    • $125 for one hour, $65 for 30 minutes
  • Holistic Care Consultation with Gail Pope
    • $250 for 2 hours with Gail: 90-minute initial consultation + 30-minute follow-up within 30 days
  • End-of-Life Planning Consultation with Gail Pope
    • $250 for 2 hours with Gail: 90-minute initial consultation + 30-minute follow-up within 30 days
  • Weekly Check-ins – For Returning Clients Only
    • $55 for 30 minutes; $200 for four Check-ins
    • Available only after the initial Consultation
  • 24 Hour Access for Critical Situations – For Returning Clients Only
    • $50 per 15 minutes
    • You must have had an initial Consultation.

Payment Options:

Testimonials for Gail’s Consultations

“It was a miracle that I was able to give Squeaky a loving, natural death in his home, holding his head. I know of few gifts that are more precious. It was such a special thing, I will never forget it. And I thank Gail Pope and BrightHaven for that. Gail was there for us in our hour of needing support. She will always have my gratitude. It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life, and I am grateful I did not have to be alone in the midst of Squeaky’s passing… Thank you.” —Jan D.

“We are so thankful for you and your support. We don’t know what we would’ve done without you. You were so kind, caring, non-judgmental, and helpful during our time of need. Because of you, we didn’t feel alone and were able to let Dani go on her own time, the way she deserved. We are so grateful.” —Laura O. & Family

“Gail Pope is an animal hospice visionary. She is a gifted, dedicated animal healer who had learned about caring for animals as they near the end of their lives from living with, and listening to them, for over 25 years. Renowned animal behavior researcher Francoise Wemelsfelder wrote that assessing animals’ quality of life requires ‘knowledge of species-specific behavior, experience in observing and interacting with animals in different contexts, and a willingness to communicate with animals as sentient beings.’ There is no one I know of who exemplifies this approach in the context of animals’ end of life as much as Gail.” –Amir Shanan, DVM, CHPV. Founder, International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care ( Co-editor: Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals: Principles and Practice, 2nd Ed. [Wiley 2023] (Gail and Amir co-authored a chapter on animal hospice in this book) and American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) End-of-Life Guidelines [2016].

“…she [Sage] has not had seizure since May and we spend our days enjoying the forest. Sage is a very happy old lady. Sage was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma last October 26th and given 4 weeks to live. She will be 14 years old in December. I can’t thank you enough for saving my dog’s life!!! You truly were the one person that gave me hope in the midst of everyone else telling me I was being selfish. But I knew deep in my heart that I wasn’t being selfish. I felt Sage was showing quality of life as you have described to me. I honor, respect and appreciate the work you do. Thank you for your kindness and the time you spent to help me see the light through the darkness.” —Nicole A.

“I can so strongly recommend these personal one-to-one consultations with Gail Pope. I spoke with Gail about my darling boy Baloo before Christmas last year and & the difference it made to me was extraordinary. Gail offered me such a huge amount of data to help me help my boy. She offered suggestions for diet, nutrition, supplements, therapies, veterinary & holistic interventions. They were all amazingly helpful but what was the most helpful was the “mind set” that Gail instilled in me. I thought prior to the consultation that I was a positive person with the “right” attitude to help my boy. After speaking with Gail I realized that I had huge personal barriers that I needed to drop in order to assist Baloo. I spoke in terms of “prognosis” & “timescale” etcetera none of which had any useful function in Baloo’s care plan. Gail showed me how to focus on living in the moment & how to really appreciate life – for me & for Baloo. I can’t emphasize enough what a massive help the consultations with Gail were at a time of huge stress & heightened emotions. I also highly, highly recommend reading Gail’s books which are concise, direct & ‘un-put-downable.’ ” —Jan K.

“Gail Pope is beyond amazing with knowledge of the dying process and how to be present with love – so much wisdom.” —Gail D.

“I want to thank you for all of your help and support. You have been a God send. You helped me more than I can begin to express. You helped me to find my balance at a time when it was so necessary, in order to make good decisions. The resources you provide are invaluable, and I would be honored to volunteer my help in any way I can.” —Raquel