BrightHaven is firmly committed to classical veterinary homeopathy and is delighted to introduce some of America’s finest veterinarians who have the ability to probe deeply into the character and temperament of their patients, whilst having a true understanding of their complex physical symptoms.
We have worked for years entirely by telephone and email with all of our homeopaths, as they are located throughout the USA. The ability to consult by telephone is invaluable for an elderly or sick animal as the need for stressful veterinarian visits is almost completely eradicated.
All of our vets have private practices and volunteer their services to BrightHaven. If you’d like to learn more about a particular practitioner, please contact him or her directly. For more details, please visit https://www.brighthaven.org/about/our-vets/.
PLEASE NOTE: We at BrightHaven are not veterinarians and are therefore not qualified to give you professional veterinary advice. We have, however, been helping our animals holistically for many years, aided by numerous talented professional practitioners.
Always consult your family veterinarian in matters concerning the health of your animals. Any sign of pain in your animal should be immediately addressed with your veterinarian.