On the Subject of Animal Hospice & Natural Death

In March 2017, Adam Clark, LCSW, AASW, interviewed BrightHaven President and Founder Gail Pope for a Psychology Today article about animal hospice and natural death. This information remains very relevant to those who are seeking an alternative to euthanasia for their beloved animal family member. As you can see from our animal hospice guiding statement, … Read more

It’s the Intention of Expectations That Counts the Most

After seeing an ad promoting yet another device promising to get your dog to immediately do what you want (in this case to stop barking), I started thinking about the unrealistic expectations many of us humans have of animals. I was also reminded of the prevailing and often unconscious attitude that animals are merely property … Read more

Help Your Loved One Live the Best Life Possible Each & Every Day!

BrightHaven is a leader in the emerging field of animal hospice AND we’re also renowned for our holistic healthcare.   We’ve combined these two specialties into our latest online course, presented by BrightHaven’s President and Founder Gail Pope and Education Program Specialist Carol Hulse:   BrightHaven Holistic Animal Hospice: Fundamentals We understand that many pet … Read more

What Hope Taught Me About Fear

At BrightHaven, we often talk about following the wisdom of the animals. In fact, that’s how our Menu for Healing, the cornerstone of BrightHaven’s work, came into being! I was blessed to meet and spend time with many wise and wonderful animals while I lived on the BrightHaven sanctuary property in Santa Rosa, CA, for … Read more

New booklet to help you help your animal!

What is one of the most difficult things for any animal lover and pet parent to hear? It’s being told by the vet that your animal’s illness is terminal. What do I do now? How can I best support my animal friend? What is the best way forward for our family? These are just a … Read more

Feel Good When You Purchase with Purpose at the New BrightHaven Store!

We’re so excited to announce that the new BrightHaven Store is now open for business! In it you’ll find these two new fabulous designs created by Blanca Walker, and more.   Many of our wonderful supporters have asked me when we’d have items sporting unique BrightHaven designs available for sale. And that time is NOW–just … Read more

You Can Help BrightHaven Reach for the Stars!

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We’re very excited to share with you how BrightHaven’s work has been helping even more animals!     BrightHaven President and Founder Gail Pope recently recorded a presentation called “Understanding the Animal Dying Experience” for the International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC), the premier industry organization. We’re really proud to say that this … Read more

What Really Matters Most Each & Every Day


I often feel uncomfortable when I hear that an animal or person has been given a specific number of days, weeks or years to live when they receive a terminal diagnosis. When it comes right down to it, who actually knows? None of us has an expiry date stamped in ink across our forehead! Of … Read more

What a Perfect Way to Help & Honor Animals!

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***THESE SHIRTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE AT OUR BRIGHTHAVEN STORE***: https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-brighthaven-store/ At BrightHaven, we are committed to helping animals and we honor them for the many ways they help us humans. For example, how many times has a special animal shown up in our lives just when we needed them most, essentially rescuing us? And how … Read more